Personal Attributes Profiles based on Clustered Leadership Behaviors in Peruvian Managers

Fernando A. D’Alessio

CENTRUM Católica’s Working Paper No. 2012-09-0001



The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in the personal attributes profiles of Peruvian part-time MBA students clustered into high- and low-level leadership behaviors. Various instruments were used to test leadership styles, five personality domains, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. Differences in the profiles based on demographic variables, leadership outcomes, and personal attributes were evaluated, and a hierarchical logistic regression analysis tested whether participants’ leadership levels were related to the seven attributes proposed. Statistically significant differences between clusters with large effect sizes were found for three personality domains (emotional stability, extraversion, and conscientiousness) and for three leadership outcomes. Small to moderate effect sizes were found for critical thinking, age, and working experience. The study findings could be used for the design of MBA programs.

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