- CENTRUM Investigación
- Research Publications 2012
Research Publications 2012
Angelopoulus, G., Parnell, J., & Scott, G. (2013). Performance satisfaction, shareholder and stakeholder orientations: managers' perceptions in three countries across continents. South African Journal of Economics and Management, 16(2), 199-215. http://sajems.org/index.php/sajems/article/viewFile/366/236
Asche, F., Oglend, A., & Tveteras, S. (2012). Regime shifts in the fish meal/soybean meal price ratio. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 64(1), 97-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1477-9552.2012.00357.x
Asthana, A. N. (2012). Human rights and corruption: Evidence from a natural experiment. Journal of Human Rights, 11(4), 526-536. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14754835.2012.730913
Asthana, A. N. (2012). Decentralisation, HRD and production efficiency of water utilities: Evidence from India. Water Policy, 14(1), 112-126. http://dx.doi.org/10.2166/wp.2011.119
Asthana, A. N. (2012). Decentralisation and corruption revisited: Evidence from a natural experiment. Public Administration and Development, 32(1), 27-37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pad.621
Asthana, A., & Asthana, A. N. (2012). Yogic science for human resource management in business. World Applied Sciences Journal, 9(1), 120-130. http://dx.doi.org/10.5829/idosi.wasj.2012.19.01.619
Asthana, A. N., Mohan, S., & Khorana, S. (2012). Physics envy and natural experiments in business and economics. World Applied Sciences Journal, 20(3), 464-469.
Beuermann, D., Christopher, M., & Renos, V. (2012). Mobile Phones and Economic Development in Rural Peru. Journal of Development Studies, 48(11), 1617-1628. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1080/00220388.2012.709615
Brosen, W., & García, F. (2012). Experimental designs for estimating plateau-type production functions and economically optimal input levels. 38(1), 45-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11123-010-0204-0
Castillo, P., Humala, A., & Tuesta, V. (2012). Regime shifts and inflation uncertainty in Perú. Journal of Applied Economics, 15(1), 71-87. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/S1514-0326(12)60004-X
Chiang, J. C., Liao, C., Jiang, J.-Y., & Klein, G. (2012). Consequences of psychological contract violations for IS personnel. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 52(4), 78-87. www.iacis.org/jcis/jcis_toc.php?volume=52&issue=4
Charles, V., Kumar, M., & Kavitha, I. (2012). Measuring the efficiency of assembled printed circuit boards with undesirable outputs using data envelopment analysis. International Journal of Production Economics, 136(1), 194-206. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2011.11.010
Chaston, I., & Sadler-Smith, E. (2012). Entrepreneurial Cognition, Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Capability in the Creative Industries. British Journal of Management, 23(3), 415-432. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8551.2011.00752.x
Chaston, I., & Scott, G. (2012). Entrepreneurship and open innovation in an emerging economy. Management Decision, 50(7), 1161 -1177. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00251741211246941
Cornillier, F., Boctor, F., Laporte, G., & Renaud, J. (2012). A heuristic for the multi-period petrol station replenishment problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 191(2), 295-305. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2007.08.016
Cornillier, F., Pécora, J. E., & Charles, V. (2012). A variable depth search branching. Operations Research Letters, 40(4), 265-271. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.orl.2012.03.003
Court, E., Ozsoz, E., & Rengifo, E. (2012). The impact of deposit dollarization on financial deepening. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 48(6), 39-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.2753/REE1540-496X480602
Gil-Serrate, R., López Laborda, J., & Mur, J. (2012). Revenue autonomy and regional growth: an analysis of the 25-year process of fiscal decentralisation in Spain. Environment and Planning A, 43(11), 2626-2648. http://www.envplan.com/abstract.cgi?id=a43352
Hashem, A. M., Rasmy, M. Emad M., Wahba, K., & Shaker, O. G. (2012). Single stage and multistage classification models for the prediction of liver fibrosis degree in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 105(3), 194-209. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2011.10.005
Hinrichs, K., Wang, L., Hinrinchs, A., & Romero, E. (2012). Moral disengagement through displacement of responsibility: The importance of leadership beliefs. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42(1), 62-80. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1111/j.1559-1816.2011.00869.x
Lehong, S. M., Dube, W., & Angelopoulus, G. (2013). An investigation into the perceptions of business stakeholders on the benefits of enterprise architecture: The case of Telkom SA. South African Journal of Business Management, 44(2), 45-56. http://hdl.handle.net/10204/7435
Marquina, P., & Morales, C. E. (2012). The influence of CSR on purchasing behavior in Peru and Spain. International Marketing Review, 29(3), 299 - 312. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/02651331211229778
Montoro, C. (2012). Oil shocks and optimal monetary policy. Macroeconomics Dynamics, 16, 240-277. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S136510000106
Parnell, J., Scott, G., & Angelopoulus, G. (2013). Benchmarking tendencies in managerial mindsets: Prioriziting stockholders and stakeholders in Peru, South Africa and the United States. Journal of Business Ethics, 118(3), 589-605. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1007/s10551-012-1555-4
Scott, G., & Suarez, V. (2012). Limits to growth or growth to the limits? Trends and projections for potatoes in China and their implications for industry. Potato Research, 55(2), 135-156. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11540-012-9215-8
Scott, G., & Suárez, V. (2012). The rise of Asia as the centre of global potato production and some implications for industry. Potato Journal, 39(1), 1-22. http://epubs.icar.org.in/ejournal/index.php/PotatoJ/article/viewFile/32257/14421
Scott, G., & Suárez, V. (2012). From Mao to McDonald´s: Emerging markets for potatoes and potato products in China 1961-2007. American Journal of Potato Research, 89(3), 216-231. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12230-012-9246-3
Stefanidis, A., & Richter, U. (2012). Employee attitudes towards questionable negotiation tactics: Empirical evidence from Peru. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(4), 826-852. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2012.697482
Tamminga, G., Miska, M., Santos, E., Van Lint, H., Nakasone, A. M., Prendinger, H., & Hoogendoor, S. (2012). Design of an open source traffic and simulation framework. Transportation Research Record, 22(91), 44-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.3141/2291-06
Tringade, M., Kushida, M., Montes, N., Dos Santos Pereyra, D., & De Olivera, A. (2012). Comparison of ozone and chlorine in low concentrations as sanitizing agents of chicken carcasses in the water immersion chiller. Journal of Food Protection, 75(6), 1139-1143. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-11-288
Tello, M. (2012). Peru: integration, sectoral specialization and synchronization with international gross domestic product cycles. CEPAL Review, 1(106), 89-106. www.cepal.org/publicaciones/xml/4/47724/RVI106Tello.pdf
Tveteras, S., Asche, F., Bellemare, M. F., Smith, M. D., Guttormsen, A. G., Lem, A., Lien, K., & Vannuccini, S. (2012). Fish is Food - The FAO's Fish Price Index. PLoS One, 7(5), 1-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0036731
Afcha, S. (2012). Analyzing the Interaction between R&D Subsidies and Firm’s Innovation Strategy. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 7(3), 57-70. www.jotmi.org/index.php/GT/article/view/art266/706
Arias, L. (2012). Absurdity in print advertising: Its impact on brand name recall and alcohol warning label recall. The Journal of American Academy of Business- Cambridge, 17(2), 78-83. http://www.jaabc.com/jaabcv18n2preview.html
Avolio, B. E. (2012). Why women enter into entrepreneurship? An emerging conceptual framework based on the peruvian case. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education, 3(4), 43-63. http://www.ien.bg.ac.rs/images/stories/Izdavastvo/Casopis%20JWE/2012/12_jwe_3-4_3.pdf
Charles, V., Ansari, S. I., & Khalid, M. M. (2012). Multi-objective stochastic linear programming with general form of distributions. Journal of Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, 2(2), 261-278. http://www.optimization-online.org/DB_FILE/2009/11/2448.pdf
Charles, V., & Udhayakumar, A. (2012). Genetic algortihm for chance constrained reliability stochastic optimisation problems. International Journal of Operational Research, 14(4), 417-432. http://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=47513
Chaston, I. (2012). Recession and family firm performance: An assessment of small U.K. family-owned hotels. Journal of CENTRUM Cathedra, 5(1), 60-69. http://centrumwebs.pucp.edu.pe/jcc/vol/5/issue/1/article/4
Chiri, A. (2012). Emerging market cluster: From the informal sector to cluster development the "Gamarra" cluster case. Journal of Competitiveness & Strategy, 2(1), 3-13. http://competitiveness.in/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/JOCS-2012.pdf
Cueto, D., & Delgado, F. (2012). The shamans of Wall Street: A real conundrum in finance. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 17(32), 31-40. http://jefas.esan.edu.pe/index.php/jefas/article/view/94 jefas.esan.edu.pe/index.php/jefas/article/view/94 [Published: June 2012]
Dlamini, D.F., & Kongolo, M. (2012). Contribution of rural schools to socioeconomic development in Swaziland’s rural Areas. International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 1(3), 310-322. http://www.ajol.info/index.php/ijah/article/view/106690/96597
Dlamini, N.A., & Kongolo, M. (2012). An analysis of the Tripartite Free Trade Area between COMESA, SADC, and EAC and its effects on Swaziland’s economy. African Research Review, 6(3), 1-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/afrrev.v6i3.1
Karim, J. A., Kumar, M., & Rahman, S. A. (2013). Measuring shopping values of Malaysian retail consumers. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 25(2), 200-224. www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=17083321
Karim, J. A., Rahman, S. A., & Kumar, M. (2012). Examining the relationship between visual merchandising and apparel impulse buying among young Malaysian consumers. Taylor´s Business Review, 2(2), 101-113. www.taylors.edu.my/tbr/journal/
Abdul Talib, S., Hashim, R., Karuthan, C., & Kumar, M. (2012). Malaysian fine dining restaurants: Profiling of consumers’ demographics and dining-out behavior and determination of purchasing orientation via demographic features. Journal of Global Business and Economics, 5(1), 50-71. http://www.globalresearch.com.my/journal/business_v05n01/004_Article_021_JOGBE_PG050-071.pdf
Etemad-Sajadi, R., & Bezençon, V. (2012). What drives international performance? Insights from computer-related service firms. Journal of CENTRUM Cathedra, 5(2), 259-253. http://centrumwebs.pucp.edu.pe/jcc/vol/5/issue/2/article/7
Ghoshal, M., & Madan, P. (2012). Analysis of Trade Performance of India and China in MSME Sector. Journal of Institute of Environment and Management, 4(2), 8-13.
Ghoshal, M., & Madan, P. (2012). Implementing a Functional ISO 9000 Quality Management System in MSMEs. Indian Journal of Management Science, II(1), 16-23. http://www.cscjournals.org/manuscript/Journals/IJE/volume3/Issue3/IJE-28.pdf
Gupta, A., & Madan, P. (2012). Security Effect of B2B and B2C Operations using 3G M-Commerce Operations. International Journal of Computer Applications, 43(4), 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.5120/6088-8259
Gupta, A., & Madan, P. (2012). Factors Influencing B2C M-commerce Satisfaction and Trust towards M-Commerce Service Providers. Journal of Pure and Applied Science and Technology, 2(1), 59-65. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/216487971_Factors_Influencing_B2C_M-Commerce_Satisfaction_and_Trust_Towards_M-commerce_Service_Providers
Kongolo, M. (2012). Enrolment management: The perspectives of University of the Western Cape, South Africa. African Journal of Business Management, 6(24), 7318-7328. http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJBM11.3002
Kongolo, M. (2012). Impact of the University of Swaziland on national economic development efforts. Research in Higher Education Journal, 15(1), 1-15. http://www.aabri.com/manuscripts/11988.pdf
Kongolo, M. (2012). An empirical assessment of Women's Access to Land and Credit in North West Province, South Africa. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(3), 352-357. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.5897/AJAR10.335
Kongolo, M., & Dlamini, D.K. (2012). Small-scale livestock farming in developing areas of Swaziland and South Africa. African Research Review, 1(3), 100-111. http://www.ajol.info/index.php/stech/article/view/108174/97995
Kongolo, M., & Imenda, S.N. (2012). Institutional type preferences of South African higher education students. Research in Higher Education Journal, 15, 1-18. http://www.aabri.com/manuscripts/11973.pdf
Marandu, E. E., Phambuka-Nsimb, C., & Thomas, A. O. (2012). Perceived Prevalence of Non-Tariff Barriers: A Conceptual and Empirical Analysis. Journal of Global Business and Technology, 8(1), 16-35. www.questia.com/library/journal/1P3-2807304651/perceived-prevalence-of-non-tariff-barriers-a-conceptual
Mediavilla, M., Afcha, S., Choi, Á., & Escardíbu, J.-O. (2012). Impacto de la introducción de un sistema de autoevaluación en línea en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos de Derecho en la asignatura de Economía. e-Pública, 11, 38-52. http://www.unizar.es/e-publica/?p=695
Scott, G., & Chaston, I. (2013). Open innovation in an emerging economy. Management Research Review, 36(10), 1024 - 1036. www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=17094816
Scott, G., & Chaston, I. (2012). Culture and innovation in Peru from a management perspective. Journal of Global Initiatives, 7(2), 127-141. http://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/jgi/vol7/iss2/10/
Tello, M. (2012). Productividad total factorial en el sector manufacturero del Perú: 2002-2007. Revista Economía, 35(70), 103-141. http://revistas.pucp.edu.pe/index.php/economia/article/view/3841/3816
Tello, M. (2012). Márgenes precio-costo, competencia externa y participación del mercado en el sector manufacturero del Perú: 2002-2007. Revista Economía, 35(69), 152-173. http://revistas.pucp.edu.pe/index.php/economia/article/view/2728/2672
Thomas, A. O. (2012). Tentative Transition to Market Communications: Early Television Advertising in Kazakhstan. Journal of Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing, 2(1), 1-7. http://hdl.handle.net/10628/353
Tveteras, S., Tveteras, R., & Lien, K. (2012). Food consumption changes in Russia: An analysis of regional demand for herring products. Food Economics, 8(4), 222-232. www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/16507541.2012.678580
Vásquez, A. (2012). Firm Competitiveness: Who is the Dog and Who is the Tail? Labor Analysis, 36(420), 9-11. http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/wbs/conf/olkc/archive/olkc3/papers/contribution218.pdf
Afcha, S. (2012). La evaluación de la política tecnológica, planteamientos básicos y evolución reciente (pp. 72). Barcelona: Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH&Co.
Arellano, R. (2012). Somos más que siesta y fiesta: doce mitos y verdades sobre América Latina (pp. 187). Lima: Planeta. www.arellanomarketing.com/inicio/somos-mas-que-siesta-y-fiesta/
Arellano, R., Kotler, P., & Amstrong, G. (2012). Mercadeo en TIC para informática (pp. 424). México D.F.: Pearson Educación.
Avolio, B. E., Marquina, P., Guevara, D., Aguilar, D., Aldana, G., Angulo, M., Ascencio, O., Arteaga, G., Arguedas, J., B, O., Berrospi, J., Burga, P., Calderón, J., Carrillo, D., Cárdenas, W., Córdova, M., Córdova, F., Chavarría, G., Charaja, W., Dávila, A., Díaz, E., Díaz, M., Espinoza, C., Fernández, E., Gattás, J., Gutiérrez, J., Granda, C., Huamaní, R., Jiménez, H., Linares, V., Linares, C., Livia, F., Montoya, J., Mosquera, V., Monzón, S., Oliver, L., Pascual, J., Peña, T., Peralta, C., Piña, K., Quispe, J., Ramírez, V., Ramírez, F., Ríos, C., Romain, G., Rojas, M., Romero, M., Sifuentes, C., Tello, M., Tristán, H., Vásquez, C., Vigil, S., Widdup, M., Zapata, J., & Zarabia, E. (2012). La mujer peruana: Evolución y perspectivas para su desarrollo futuro (pp. 483). Lima: Planeta.
Alvarez, C. (2012). Visión de futuro de la Amazonía peruana como factor motriz del desarrollo nacional. Lima: Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico. [
Alvarez, C. (2012). El despegue: De las burbujas económicas al desarrollo sostenible (1st ed.). Lima: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas-Centro de Información.
Benzaquen, J., Coronel, B., Vega, J., & Velarde, C. (2012). Plan Estratégico de la Región Huancavelica. Lima, Perú: CENTRUM Publishing. www.centrum.pucp.edu.pe/es/contenido.php?834/investigacion_publicacion/plan_estrategico_region_huancavelica.html&idp=410
Charles, V., & Kumar, M. (2012). Data envelopment analysis and its applications to management (pp. 275). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholar Publishing. www.c-s-p.org/flyers/978-1-4438-4132-0-sample.pdf
Court, E. (2012). Finanzas corporativas (2nd ed., pp. 635). Buenos Aires: Cengage Learning Argentina. issuu.com/cengagelatam/docs/finanzas_corporativas_court
D'Alessio, F. (2012). Administración de las operaciones productivas. Un enfoque en procesos para la gerencia. Naucalpán de Juárez: Pearson Educación.
D'Alessio, F. (2012). Planeamiento estratégico de las Regiones del Perú. Lima: CENTRUM Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Avolio, B. E., Aguilar, J. M., Benzaquen, J., Graham, A., O'Brien, J., Aliaga, J., Álvarez-Calderón, G., Arévalo, E., Benavides, K., Bonilla, W., Carlos, L., Donayre, M., Echevarría, E., Elías, M., Fernández, M., González, A., Guillén, R., Loayza, C., Melzi, R., Montoya, G., Muñoz, J., Pacora, S., Portero, C., Povis, M., Rard, K., Rodríguez, E., Rojas, D., C.Schenoni, Suárez, S., Tarazona, E., Tejada, P., & Valdivia, G. (2012). Planeamiento Estratégico del Sistema Educativo del Perú. Lima: CENTRUM Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Barbadillo, J., Benzaquen, J., Burga, D., Calvo, D., Cubas, C., Delgado, C., Esponda, J., Gamarra, S., García, A., Gil, A., Graham, A., Guillén, A., Hurtado, P., Ingar, B., Mena, J., Murguía, L., O'Brien, J., Pereyra, J., Pérez, V., Pilares, E., Pino, R., Rázuri, G., Rodríguez, C., Saldaña, A., Sánchez, S., Schwartzmann, M., Tapia, O., Toledo, J., Vega-Centeno, J., Velarde, S., & Villavicencio, C. (2012). Planeamiento Estratégico de los Principales Puertos del Perú. Lima: CENTRUM Católica.
D'Alessio, F., Avolio, B. E., Canales, S., Esteban, R., Martínez, J., Polo, M., Reynoso, J., & Ruiz, J. (2012). Plan estratégico de la región Piura. Lima: CENTRUM Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Benzaquen, J., Del Águila, G., Montes, A., & Morales, R. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Apurimac. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Benzaquen, J., Angulo, P., Fiestas, P., & Torres, E. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Ayacucho. Lima, Perú: CENTRUM Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Canales, W., De la Cruz, M., & Nassi, E. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Cajamarca. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Cano, L., Fuentes, C., & Oscco, B. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Junín. Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Del Carpio, L., Cayo, J., Ibañez, L., & Lapa, J. (2012). In Fernando D'Alessio (Ed.), Plan estratégico de la Región La Libertad. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Del Carpio, L., Altamirano, F., Párraga, H., & Samaniego, S. (2012). In Fernando D'Alessio (Ed.), Plan estratégico de la Región Lambayeque. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Del Carpio, L., & Guevara, R. (2012). Índice de Competitividad Regional del Perú 2011. Lima, Perú: CENTRUM Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Franco, O., Lavalle, r., Montenegro, M., Arellano, Y., & Urdanivia, R. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Callao. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Graham, A., Alegre, K., Arellano, P., & Saavedra, H. (2012Plan estratégico de la Región Amazonas. Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Graham, A., Peña, C., Reyna, M., & Rodríguez, C. (2012). In Fernando D'Alessio (Ed.), Plan estratégico de la Región Lima Provincia. Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Graham, A., Almenara, R., & Contreras, J. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Moquegua. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Guevara, R., Bejarano, E., & Freundt, C. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Puno. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Guevara, R., Castañeda, V., García, R., & Ríos, P. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región San Martín. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., & O'Brien, J. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Arequipa. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., O'Brien, J., Montoya, G., & Zapata, R. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Ica. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio , F., & O’Brien, J. Plan estratégico de la Región Madre de Dios. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Pereyra, J., Berrocal, C., Caballero, J., Escobar, L., Fuentes, A., Melendez, C., & Vecco, S. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Ancash. Lima, Perú: CENTRUM Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Pereyra, J., Apaza, G., Farfán, Y., & Fernández, S. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Ucayali.
D'Alessio, F., Pino, R., Dávila, R., Gallardo, D., Guerrero, E., Marquez, J., Sanchez, J., & Velásquez, L. (2012). In Fernando D'Alessio (Ed.), Plan estratégico de la Región Lima Metropolitana. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Pino, R., Castillo, M., Loayza, E., & Quispe, B. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Loreto. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Pino, R., Albarracin, A., Huamán, C., & Ramírez, J. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Pasco. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Pino, R., Becerra, P., Coronado, S., & Maguiña, E. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Tacna. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Torres, J., Corrales, O., Espinoza, E., & Silva, R. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Tumbes. Centrum Publishing.
D'Alessio, F., Vega, O., Coico, C., Reátegui, J., Olivera, K., Quiroz, J., & Castañeda, W. (2012). Plan estratégico de la Región Cusco. Lima, Perú: Centrum Publishing.
De Waal, A. (2012). What Makes a High Performance Organization: Five Factors of Competitive Advantage that Apply Worldwide. Global Professional Publishing.
Kumar, M., S. T., & T. R. (2012). Business Research Methods. Oxford University Press.
Figueroa, A. (2012). The alpha-beta method. Scientific rules for economics and the social sciences (pp. 173). Buenos Aires: CENGAGE Learning. [Published: 2012]
Marquina, P., Avolio, B. E., Rosselló, C., Ballón, M., Becerra, M., Chávez, C., Delgado, T., Díaz, D., Díaz, P., Fernández, M., Mazzetti, C., Morillo, G., Ossio, C., León, J., Pereyra, L., Rasmussen, J., Rivas, P., Rivera, R., Toro, E., Villacorta, L., Villanueva, A., & Yumi, M. (2012). Casos de Marketing. McGraw Hill/CENTRUM Publishing.
Marquina, P., Echegaray, P., González, M., Leturia, F., Mejía, R., Mori, J., O'Brien, J., Rivera, R., Raúl, S., Tarazona, E., & Uyeda, S. (2012). Casos de Finanzas. Mc Graw Hill/CENTRUM Publishing.
Madan, P., Paliwal, V., & Bhardwaj, R. (2012). Research Methodology. New Delhi: Global Vision Publishing House.
Madan, P., & Anand, N. (2012). Supply Chain Management: Concept, Planning and Execution (pp. 304). New Delhi: Global Vision Publishing House.
Madan, P. (2012). Production and Operations Management (pp. 698). New Delhi: Global Vision Publishing House.
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