Research Publications 2016


  1. Richter, U. (2016). Firm-level determinants of political CSR in emerging economies: evidence from India. Journal of business ethics, 1-16. [Published: January (1st Quarter/Winter) 20, 2016]
  2. Scott, G. (2016). Money growing on trees in America Latina. Growth rates for cocoa 1961-2013 and their implications for industry. American Euroasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 16(1), 1-19. [Accepted: January 2016, Published: 2016]
  3. Charles, V., Färe, R., & Grosskopf, S. (2016). A translation invariant pure DEA model. European Journal of Operational Research, 249(1), 390-392. [Accepted: September 2015, Published: February 2016]
  4. Kumar, M., Charles, V., & Sekhar, C. (2016). Evaluating the performance of indian banking sector using DEA during post-reform and global financial crisis. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 17(1), 156-172. [Accepted: May 2013, Published: February 2016]
  5. Pino, C., Felzensztein, C., Zwerg, A. M., & Arias, L. (2016). Non-technological innovations: market performance of exporting firms in South America. Journal of Business Research. [Accepted: March 2016]
  6. Afcha, S., & García-Quevedo, J. (2016). The impact of R&D subsidies on R&D employment composition. Industrial and Corporate Change, 2016, 1–21. doi: 10.1093/icc/dtw008. [Published: March 2016]
  7. Zegarra, L. F. (2016). Private Lenders, Banks and Mortgage Credit in Peru. Evidence from notarized loans. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History. [Published: June 2016]
  8. Díaz, J. G., & Charles, V. (2016). Regulatory Design and Technical Efficiency: Public Transport in France, Journal of Regulatory Economics. [Accepted: 2016]
  9. Charles, V., & Zavala, J. (2016). A Satisficing DEA Model to Measure the Customer-based Brand Equity, RAIRO - Operations Research. [Accepted: May 2016]
  10. Sánchez-Ramírez, R., Charles, V., González-Araya M. & Paliza, J. (2016). Measuring the performance of a dehydration plant of apples, Applied Mathematical Modelling. [Accepted: May 2016]
  11. Scott, G., Donovan, J. & Higuchi, A. (2016). Costs, quality, and competition of cocoa value chain in Peru: an exploratory assessment. Journal Custos e Agronegocios, 11(4), 324-358. [Published: March 2016]
  12. Avolio, B., & Di Laura, G. (In press). Progreso y evolución de la inserción de la mujer en actividades productivas y empresariales en América del Sur. Revista CEPAL. [Accepted: 2016]
  13. Zegarra, L. (In press). Political instability and non-price loan terms in Lima, Peru. Evidence from notarized contracts. European Review of Economic History. [Accepted: July 2016]
  14. Pino, C., Felzensztein, C., Zwerg-Villegas, A.-M., Arias-Bolzmann, L. (2016). Non-technological innovations: Market performance of exporting firms in South America. Journal of Business Research, 69(10), 4385–4393. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.03.061


  1. Lizarzaburu, E., Berggrun, L., & Burneo, K. (2016). Corporate governance index in emerging markets: Peruvian listed companies. Research in Finance 32, 311-336. doi 10.1108/S0196-382120160000032013
  2. Díaz, J. G. (in press). Benchmarking the Efficiency of Public Water Companies in Peru: A Conditional DEA Approach. To appear in Public Enterprise journal. [Accepted: 2016]
  3. Thomas, A. O. (2016). Voter empowerment in emerging democracies: mobilising the marginalised in Perú. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 1-25. [Accepted: December 2015, Published: January (1st Quarter/Winter) 18, 2016, Submitted: March 27, 2015]
  4. Charles, V., Peretto, C., & Gherman, T. (in press). Technical Efficiency Analytics for the Public Banks in Argentina. To appear in Public Enterprise journal. [Accepted: 2016]
  5. Charles, V. (2016). Mining & mitigating social conflicts in Peru. OR/MS TODAY, April 2016, 34-38. 
  6. Benzanquen, J. (in press). Total factor productivity of the Latin-American industry: Large shipbuilding in Peru. To appear in International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. [Accepted: 2016]
  7. León, G., & Afcha, S. (2016). Socioeconomic characterization and equity market knowledge of the citizens of Barranquilla, Colombia. Lecturas de Economía, 85, 179-209.
  8. Dwyer, R. J., & Azevedo, A. (2016). Preparing leaders for the multi-generational workforce. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 10(3), 281 – 305. doi: 10.1108/JEC-08-2013-0025


  1. Véliz, C. (2016). Análisis Multivariante: métodos estadísticos multivariantes para la investigación (1st ed., pp. 1-208). Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: CENGAGE Learning.
  2. Chión, S., & Charles, V. (2016). Analítica de datos para la modelación estructural. (1st ed., pp. 1-547). Lima: Pearson. 


  1. Alfaro, E. (2015). Urgent!... To reward the innovation on information technologies with a real focus on the value generation. In A. Brem, & E. Viardot (Eds.), Revolution in Innovation Management. Springer. [Accepted: May 2016]


  1. Chiri, A. (2016). Reversing the decline in growth of the world economy: the promise of technological innovation. Strategia, 40, 8-13.
  2. Álvarez, C. (2016). Towards a new strategy for development. Strategia, 40, 14-19.
  3. Urrunaga, C. (2016). The challenges of the education system. Strategia, 40, 20-30.
  4. Becerra, C. (2016). Citizen insecurity: For how long we will suffer this pernicious evil? Strategia, 40, 31-42.
  5. D’Alessio, F. (2016). Plans, plagiarism and incompetence. Strategia, 40, 43-45.
  6. Santisteban, S. (2016). The innovation gene. Strategia, 40, 46-47.
  7. Rosselló, C. (2016). Strategy for success. Strategia, 40, 62-75.
  8. Chang, L. (2016). How to avoid conflicts in family business. Strategia, 40, 86-89.
  9. Indacochea, A. (2016). Corporate governance in Latin America. Strategia, 40, 90-95.
  10. Dávila, S. (2016). Promoting investments in infrastructure. Strategia, 40, 96-101.
  11. Arias, L. (2016). Marketers in love: What were they thinking? Strategia, 40, 102-104.
  12. Charles, V. (2016). 43 Architecture for service innovation: Innovation doesn’t come out of nowhere.Strategia, 40, 105-114.
  13. Pretell, C. (2016). CENTRUM Católica: 15 years of educational excellence. Strategia, 40, 123-128.
  14. Chiri, A. (2016). Anarquía en el orden financiero internacional: Los centros financieros offshore y los “papeles de Panamá”. Strategia, 41, 8-14.
  15. Burneo, K. (2016). Primeros 100 días: Una propuesta de norte y cursos de acción. Strategia, 41, 15-27.
  16. Álvarez, C. (2016). Modelo económico requiere cambios. Strategia, 41, 28-31.
  17. Chang, L. (2016). Economía, competitividad y empleo. Strategia, 41, 32-41.
  18. Torres, J. (2016). Shock de exportaciones y mayor impulso al turismo. Strategia, 41, 42-51.
  19. D’Alessio, F. (2016). Índice de progreso social regional Perú 2016. Strategia, 41, 52-71.
  20. Arroyo, J. (2016). Cambiemos la política de salud. Strategia, 41, 72-74.
  21. Pretell, C. (2016). Estrategias para navegar en tiempos difíciles. Strategia, 41, 110-115.
  22. Becerra, C. (2016). La mujer asume mayores posiciones en la política y en la empresa. Strategia, 41, 116-119.
  23. Avolio, B. (2016). Desarrollemos las capacidades de las emprendedoras. Strategia, 41, 120-123.
  24. Santisteban, S. (2016). Tiempos de cambio: Empresas competitivas y sostenibles. Strategia, 41,128-131.
  25. Dávila, S. (2016). Propuesta para un control previo: Concentración empresarial. Strategia, 41, 139-149.
  26. Indacochea, A. (2016). El modelo racional y emergente de la estrategia. Strategia, 41, 150-157.
  27. Castillo, K. (2016). Tres décadas del voto migrante peruano en los procesos electorales. Strategia, 41, 166-177.